Treaty Prohibiting Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) Off Ramp

A Sample Letter for Activists and Proponents of Nuclear Abolition:

Here we are on the brink of nuclear war and world war. Not only are the flash points in Ukraine, Gaza, Israel and the greater Mid-east, but right here in our own nation with the toxic rhetoric, political gamesmanship and escalating civil unrest.

Criminal Insanity, chaos and aggression seem to be overwhelming our civil institutions. The cause of all this?

Military Aggression under the cover of nuclear weapons.

Please consider endorsing the TPNW as an expression of responsible government. "We the People" request the Mayor and City Council make council chambers available one day a week for an hour of peace to host public discussion on the issue of nuclear disarmament as a public service.

Thank you for your attention and co-operation.


We, the People.

Your organization / sponsor.